Category: Uncategorized

  • Asian/Egyptian Stairwell

    Stairwell from the Hall of the Asian Wing to That of the Egyptian 7.2/10 Not much to see here, but that’s the point, no? Keep the bodies flowing from one wing to the next with bright lighting and wide stairs. Pure facilitation of movement. But the Museum couldn’t help but display some art (or is…

  • Degas, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec

    Room 817 – Degas, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Impressionist Wing Rating: 8.6/10 Let me get this out of the way quickly: I both greatly enjoy and absolutely adore Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. I enjoy him for his art and strange story, but I adore him on account of one single, solitary painting housed at the Philadelphia Museum of…

  • Introduction to the Project

    An attempt at a “Mission Statement” & Some Background on “Every Last Room“ por·tal: /ˈpôrdl/ noun noun: portal; plural noun: portals Go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and ask any of the red-tied employees how many rooms there are inside The Museum, and you’ll get a colorful array of answers. 400. 500. 600.…